tirsdag 19. november 2013

Printing Assignment 1 and 2

Moustache Print

A while ago we finally started on the printing part of our Print and photo class. First we had the assignment where we took a photo of ourselves and drew either in photoshop or by pen a moustache or full beard on the picture.

Following that, we made the photo black and white by using the hue/saturation and threshold tool in photoshop. Then printed the picture out and out it under a glass plate, painted with black or printing paint ontop of the glass where the dark parts of the photo was and put a sheet of paper over and pressed down to print it onto the sheet.

(I will update the blog later with the finished prints I took)

Crab Print

We visited the museum of natual history and were to take photos of animals who we were to make the same kind of editing treatment as we gave to the moustache, it was an easy job to do so far, but then we 
were going to scrape out the same photo on a ceramic like plate.

(picture after treatment)

We used different tools(as seen in the picture below) to do this scraping, or carving as it can also be called. 

After we finally finished the carving we were to use a roller dipped in paint and roll it over the plate so it spread equally over the parts rising up from the carving.
After this we put the plate in the middle of a newspaper and lay a sheet of paper(either normal copypaper or ricepaper) ontop, then it went into the press about two times to make sure it got printed good.
(The pressing part)
When this was done we let the paint dry and hung it up on the wall.
Thanks for reading!

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