tirsdag 19. november 2013

Photo Edit Using Stamp Tool

In class we were given a quick lesson in using the stamp tool in photoshop, I didn't pay much attention, because it was the first tool I used a lot when I first got photoshop on my home computer a while before I started Olsvik. I wanted to try experimenting with fur over from a wolf to a human, so I put two images in one(one of a wolf and one of me).
And from there I started the editing, first it looked really weird, but the more fur you saw and the less skin, it looked better and better. I took most of the features from the eyes and mouth over to match mine too. I really liked how it turned out, I got the muzzle shape right and the eyes are lined like a wolf is, all in all I am proud in my work.
(The finished photo edit)

Thank you for reading!

Printing Assignment 1 and 2

Moustache Print

A while ago we finally started on the printing part of our Print and photo class. First we had the assignment where we took a photo of ourselves and drew either in photoshop or by pen a moustache or full beard on the picture.

Following that, we made the photo black and white by using the hue/saturation and threshold tool in photoshop. Then printed the picture out and out it under a glass plate, painted with black or printing paint ontop of the glass where the dark parts of the photo was and put a sheet of paper over and pressed down to print it onto the sheet.

(I will update the blog later with the finished prints I took)

Crab Print

We visited the museum of natual history and were to take photos of animals who we were to make the same kind of editing treatment as we gave to the moustache, it was an easy job to do so far, but then we 
were going to scrape out the same photo on a ceramic like plate.

(picture after treatment)

We used different tools(as seen in the picture below) to do this scraping, or carving as it can also be called. 

After we finally finished the carving we were to use a roller dipped in paint and roll it over the plate so it spread equally over the parts rising up from the carving.
After this we put the plate in the middle of a newspaper and lay a sheet of paper(either normal copypaper or ricepaper) ontop, then it went into the press about two times to make sure it got printed good.
(The pressing part)
When this was done we let the paint dry and hung it up on the wall.
Thanks for reading!

Three new posts comming today, been a bit busy.. sorry

We have started with printing and done a little photo editing with the "stamp tool" in photoshop and today we worked on a montage/collage picture where I took a pretty ego twist on. Keep notified..

lørdag 19. oktober 2013

Hello again, long time no see..
Sorry, my assignments often come in late, 1. because I don't have so much motivation in my free time to do much. and 2. Because the page wouldn't load properly when I got home on friday(I sometimes get some issues with the internet in my house), but now it is up and running(late saturday evening), so I thought I was gonna make a little entry with the assignment we were given a while back.

We were given 4 themes to take a fitting photo on: "The Fall", "Black and White", "A self portrait" and "Fruit and Greenstuff(vegetables)"

I choose this one of the many "Fall" pictures I took, I liked the way you can see it's closing in on fall from looking at the yellow leaves, and I like that the leaves almost senter around the red and yellow houses which is in the colors of that season.

fredag 27. september 2013

Assignment: Lines

I was given the assignment of finding spots in my school where I was gonna put the focus on lines:

I am not to experienced with taking photos, but I tried my best.

<-Radial lines.

Diagonal lines with crosshatch

<- Horizontal lines

 Then some random ordered line photos I took:

               Thanks for watching c:

tirsdag 3. september 2013

Message to the World photo

Hi, Niklas here, this is my first blog post, it was supposed to be put up earlier, but I've just been through a tough break-up and have had some encouragement issues. It's not really a good excuse, but I have to be honest about why my homework came in later than it should.

This is my first assignment in Print and Photo class, everyone was going to find something that should be a "message to the world" kind of picture.
My picture is directed against the fact that women and men alike get discriminated because of their body modifications.

I think it is wrong that people with colored hair and tattoos and even unusual hairstyles should have a harder time getting a job just cause they want to express themselves. This is a point I asked most of the government parties that visited our school. I agree on the fact that they can take piercings out while at work if they are visible in the face, but it isn't right that people in the work industry won't hire people just for the fact that they got coloured hair. They should look at their experience from their resume, not just judge the person infront of them by their looks!

It's almost like it is for some people from foreign countries, they can't judge and refuse to hire someone because of the color of their skin or their last name, the work industry should have anonymous job appliments where the people hiring only get to see the persons job experience.

My picture is of me because none of my friends with colored hair had time to model for me.

I don't have a SLR camera, so I had to use my sisters Casio Exilim EX-ZR300
I hope you liked this entry in my blog and maybe post your thoughts about the subject body mods in the works industry.

Until next time, goodbye readers.