onsdag 15. januar 2014

Experimenting with the dark

In this post i'm gonna show you how it went when I experimented with writing with light on slow shutter time with cameras. It was pretty fun, but it was insanely cold that day and I could barely feel my fingers or face when I finished. I kinda dedicated some of the pictures to my girlfriend since I didn't have much ideas to what to write in the air, so just warning about that.

I first tried to make a smiley... it didn't work out that well.. I set the camera to low compared to where I stood.
I tried to make a smiley again, but as you can see it looks more like a bad try at a Yin and Yang.(And I pretty much failed at the camera placement again..)
Warning, "gooey" stuff!

I had little to do, before I started working on the lightwriting, I tried to find some other things I could use to experiment with light and darkness. I took some pictures of the lights for away comming from the city, it turned all blurry on each try, like this from the neighbourhood here:

But suddenly there was a car driving out from the parking lot, so I tried to capture what I could, I kept the focus on the wall and let the car drive by with headlights on, the result was pretty cool:

It got the lights to look like beams and made it so the car wasn't there at all, which I think looked really good.

Sorry for posting gooey stuff.
until next time readers..

Lots of stuffz going on

A lot of things has happened lately, doctors appointments, an exam and lots of tests and presentations. So it's been busy, maybe not for the others in my class, but I have had to little time.

I can start with the assignment we got on making a picture with mini versions of ourselves, which we got to choose the theme of. Right from the start I wanted to make an "angel/devil" on the shoulders, as the conciousness we see in movies. I had issues with making it and it went slow, the lighting on the mini-me's was so weird and they got so pixelated when I shrinked them, but I got it working and got the picture together.

(Title: "Why do I hear better on the right side?")

Everyone has that feeling where they have to make good or bad decisions or thinking about positive or negative things about yourself and others, and they feel like they have two sides arguing with eachother. So here's my version of it.

We've also worked with making fruit juice labels, I took an easy turn on the assignment and made a juice label with the traditional christmas citrus fruit Clementine, it's a pretty simple logo, but I didn't want to overdo it.